Religious Insanity

Saw this on a car license plate frame
Please God protect me from your followers

  Even though I do go to church this is easy to understand, to many of Gods followers, be they Jewish, Muslim or Christian want to force their beliefs onto people, but if you wish to get some sort of understanding of the mess in the Middle East you have to look at religion
  If you want nothing to do with the religious aspect of this site please remember there are over 425 articles accessed through the contents-index page here and on page one.


  Thumbing ones nose at God is normally considered a bad plan.
  Either God will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology, (can’t see that happening) or if he is a fair and just God we are headed toward some really hard times. Both Parties (the Democrats and the Republicans) have sold their souls & all it has cost is this country's financial well-being, your retirement, our kids' future and our kids' inheritance.

  For years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?
Anne Graham Lotz

  To the Church crowd it might be time to wake up and follow the money; because when people foolishly believe whether or not something is legal is more important than morals & ethics, evil is released on society.
  It seems to always boil down to Money, Control, Power and or Greed.
  The crazies on the right (Republicans) have legalized theft by allowing the games that Wall Street plays.
  Too many statements infer for a large number of us we have to choose which group of crazies we have to support, somebody needs to come up with another plan.

  A statement from the Bible:
  “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (some versions use abomination).
  The crazies on the left (Democrats) have legalized actions that are detestable/abominable.
  Another statement from the Bible:
  "Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation; plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

  The crazies on the right (Republicans) have criminalized something that God has stated is good, forcing hundreds of thousand if not millions to suffer jail time for what God has stated is good.
  Let’s face a fact, people are going to self medicate; does anybody really think that Meth, LSD, PCP, Dust, Ritalin (methylphenidate) or Prozac (fluoxetine); chemical mixtures by scientists, are better for people than marijuana.
  Why on earth would anyone consider giving a child Ritalin or Prozac (follow the money); have you read the list of side effects. How is it that we have gotten to the point that we trust the chemicals that scientists have concocted over what has been provided in nature.
  Who got rich when pot was made illegal?; google Hearst, Dupont, and marijuana.

There is an old saying “A choice between the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.”
The choice between 2 insane groups is still insanity.

  I am continually amazed at how many Christians do not realize that Jesus spent his time on earth teaching. Jesus explained that we would suffer the consequences for our actions, not issuing edicts, not telling people what we have to do, but instead telling us what we should do and offering GRACE when we mess up. Jesus summarized the roughly 615 laws of the Old Testament into fewer than 50 words, knowing, it would still be a life-long journey none of us would complete unscathed.
  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (treat people like YOU want to be treated).
  The group of individuals that Jesus persistently battled with was the group he referred to as hypocrites (generally the lawmakers); Jesus was not killed because his sermons were warm and fuzzy, he was murdered because he ticked off the ruling elites by calling them hypocrites and legalistic tyrants who made laws for others to follow but exempted themselves. Today the number of laws, statutes, regulations, and codes total over 30 million here in the United States.

Why was this Man Murdered?

This does not bode well for "Christians"

Murder legalized is still Morally and Ethically bad news

RFID & the loss of your privacy

  Check out Proverbs the book of cause and effect; Lamentations - The Book of Woe and Regrets.
  To understand Christianity (Christmas - Easter)  please read 
JohnActsLukeMarkMatthew. Do not blindly follow a preacher; also, if you wish some understanding of the Jewish religion, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy give/show the establishment of Israel and the 614 +- laws of God, also read Results of covenants broken the Minor Prophets and a Major Prophet Isaiah if not the whole Bible for yourself.

God does care

Empathy a Mile in my Shoes

No one living today is perfect

  There are individuals and organizations that would attempt to sit in judgment and condemn women who have had an abortion.
  There are large numbers of Vets who have killed others and/or seen all the horrors of war up close; it was a job that their government wanted done for whatever reason, some still don’t sleep well even now 50 or more years later for the older ones and from the articles that I have read a large number of younger Vets are experiencing problems from “recent” assignments in foreign countries.
  I would like all you women who have had an abortion to look around, you will find there are lots of men and women who can relate to your pain, and won’t judge you – they don’t want to be judged.
  I would like all you men that have skeletons in your closets to look around and realize there are lots of women and men who can relate to your pain, and won’t judge you – they don’t want to be judged.
  It makes no difference how or why it happens, taking a life is going to be difficult for most people without the guilt trips that society hands out.
  One suicide is one suicide to much, yet it has happened time and time again by to many of the men and women in uniform, there is a video by Matt Kennon titled "
The Call" and one by Lonestar titled "Mountains" please take the time to watch them; I am not a preacher and can understand the aversion to walking into church.
  If you need someone to talk to go to a local bar with some older guys in it, the odds are you will run into a vet and yes some of them still have issues, but most of them are good people or go to the VFW, getting drunk may not be the answer but sometimes…
  I am not going to feed you a line of shit and say that life is easy, over 50% of Americans have had at least one failed marriage, none of us have all the answers but please reach out, (They traveled to his funeral) the suicides need to stop.

Mere Christianity
By C.S. Lewis, A Soldier who served in the trenches of WWI
and also
Author of The Chronicles of Narnia

  Don Cruthers, a Chaplain in the Army once preached a sermon titled "It’s not a Game". Too many Christians have bought into the Pre-Tribulation philosophy that they will not have to endure pain and suffering, but Christianity is not a game.
  If Christ was crucified, Peter was crucified upside down next to his wife and millions of other Christians have been killed over the last 20 centuries for professing a belief in Jesus why is it that American Christians feel they should get a free ride? Could Christian believers in Pre-Tribulation / Rapture explain why if other believers who stand up for their faith are prosecuted and killed; why would you be exempt from prosecution also?

Vision From 1954

Dana Coverstone's Dreams/Visions on youtube

Well done thought provoking sermon and amazing song advance to 20:10 min. mark

Also a thought provoking book
For the Christians who have bought into Pre-Tribluation

There are Angels and there are Demons
There is a Heaven and there is a Hell
It’s not a Game!

The Ultimate Oxymoron

Laws/Rules/Solutions from Exodus and Leviticus


  We the people of the United States of America can not repair that Hell Hole called the Middle East they are beyond our help, only they can fix it and they don't really want to; yet

E-Mail from an American Muslim

According to at least one Rabbi (Jewish preacher), Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
Oct. 20, 2010

  According to Rabbi, the Lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.

  The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.
  “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.
  According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.
  “In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
  This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said.
  “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.
  That is why gentiles were created,”
 he said.

  Wow Rabbi, That whole effenidi/donkey thing has been going on for a long time: Carl Ichn, Henry Kissinger, Roy Cohn, Robert Maxwell, Leslie Wexner, Jeffery Esptein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Leon Black, Max Fisher, The Rothschild's, George Soros, Sheldon Adelson, Isabel Maxwell, Stephen Schwarzman, Ray Dalio, Mitch McConnell, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, Charles Koch & 10 thousand more. While members of the Jewish community have exasperatedly embraced the Effenidi attitude, others (non-Jewish) are also included, unfortunately as happened in the 1930's and 40's death and destruction normally follows when people are squeezed because of the Effenedi attitude, (I am better then you, you are just a donkey) the pursuit of Money (greed), control (manipulation) and power.

  I know that there are a large number of the Jewish people who are good and decent people; but the Jewish people have a bad reputation when it comes to finances throughout history because of the mindless grab of money, power and control by more then just a few.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

Rabbi this meets the standards necessary to qualify as Chicken shit

  Chicken shit refers to behavior that makes life worse than it need be: petty harassment of the weak by the strong; open scrimmage for power and authority and prestige… insistence on the letter rather than the spirit of the law. Chicken shit is so called –- instead of horse - or bull - or elephant shit -- because it is small minded and ignoble and takes the trivial, seriously.
From the book Citizen Soldiers and by the author of Band of Brothers; Stephen Ambrose.

  Sadly this has been going on for a long time; it has been recorded that the Muslim leadership has advocated their death to the infidels’ stance for over a thousand years. It is well known that hundreds of Priests have been abusing boys and girls for decades and that other abuses of power went on for centuries (payments for indulgences and removal from purgatory) in the Catholic Church, and Jewish leadership has considered the non-Jews as gentile or goyim for over 2500 years.
  Thank God that in spite of screwed up leadership there are still good Jews, good Christians and good Muslims in this world.

  There are vast quantities of things I do not understand leaving me with lots of questions.
  If there is a God, why did he allow the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem and the nation of Israel in 680 B.C. and again in 70 A.D.; why did God allow the Holocaust to happen? Could The United States suffer the same fate for the same basic reasons?
  I have read your bible; there are around 610 laws in your Book of the Patriarchs’ along with their corresponding punishments? Thumbing ones nose at God is normally considered a bad plan. Either God will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology, (can’t see that happening) or if he is a fair and just God we are headed toward some really hard times.

  “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

Wonder where the money went; mystery solved

The "little people" got shoved under bus while they made a killing

  One private equity chief went so far as to publicly thank Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman until last month, whose program of extraordinary economic stimulus has helped push stocks higher, feeding the private equity machine.  “Thank you, Ben Bernanke. I saw him last Thursday, and I thanked him,” Mr. Schwarzman of Blackstone said during a conference in December. “The opportunity for us to be able to attract funds is very, very high.”

  The founders of the top four publicly traded private equity firms took home $2.6 billion in 2013, according to recent filings. Leon D. Black, the chief executive of Apollo Global Management, personally made $546.3 million, more than twice his take a year earlier. Stephen A. Schwarzman, the head of the Blackstone Group, took home $452.7 million, also more than double what he made in the previous year.

  The three founders of the Carlyle Group, a private equity giant based in Washington, together earned $749 million, while the two cousins who co-founded Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts, each made more than $160 million. These payouts are largely dividends and they include any profits from the executives’ personal investments in their firms’ funds.

Just as 2,700 years ago A modern day Embarrassment of Riches history is repeated

From the Book of Nehemiah

  Now the men and their wives raised a great outcry against their Jewish brothers. Some were saying, "We and our sons and daughters are numerous; in order for us to eat and stay alive, we must get grain."
  Others were saying, "We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards and our homes to get grain during the famine."
  Still others were saying, "We have had to borrow money to pay the king's tax on our fields and vineyards. Although we are of the same flesh and blood as our countrymen and though our sons are as good as theirs, yet we have to subject our sons and daughters to slavery. Some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but we are powerless, because our fields and our vineyards belong to others."
  When I heard their outcry and these charges, I was very angry. I pondered them in my mind and then accused the nobles and officials. I told them, "You are exacting usury from your own countrymen!"  So I called together a large meeting to deal with them and said: "As far as possible, we have bought back our Jewish brothers who were sold to the Gentiles. Now you are selling your brothers, only for them to be sold back to us!" They kept quiet, because they could find nothing to say.
  So I continued, "What you are doing is not right. Shouldn't you walk in the fear of our God to avoid the reproach of our Gentile enemies? I and my brothers and my men are also lending the people money and grain. But let the exacting of usury stop! Give back to them immediately their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the usury you are charging them--the hundredth part of the money, grain, new wine and oil."
  "We will give it back," they said. "And we will not demand anything more from them. We will do as you say."

  Rabbi I read the book Voyage of the Damned, what some Jewish people did in jacking up the prices on other Jewish people to get out was sickening, the anything for a buck mentality was disturbing.
  Rabbi, as a goyim, I take no comfort in the fact that some Jews with money and power were so willing to shove a knife in a fellow Jews’ back. If we could get the Rabbi’s to speak up for the goyim as Nehemiah spoke up for the poor and destitute Jew, life might be better for all.

  In 1984 the oldest yeshiva [Jewish Orthodox religious studies center] in New York City, Tifereth Yerushalayim, was also busted for drug laundering. "The yeshiva's representative," says Kapit, "was a very pious Hassid, Mendel Goldenberger, who daily received cash ... and deposited the money in the yeshiva's account ... Nine persons were convicted in the affair, including Rabbi Israel Eidelman, Vice President of the yeshiva, and some of its dignitaries." [KAPIT, p. 4] "Laundering money is extremely beneficial to the yeshivas and other Jewish institutions," Kapit was told, "... The attitude of the pious Jewish community ... is drugs are sold anyway. As long as it does not harm our community and only does good for it, it doesn't matter if we benefit from drug trade."

Drugs & Drug Money Laundering within Jewish Networks

  Really Rabbi, this is what you are teaching your people, your family? the rest of us are donkeys? That helps explain things, Rabbi why is fraud so prevalent: Welfare Seattle Style.

  Rabbi were it just you it wouldn’t be so bad; but like the Catholics’, where it appears there are hundreds of priests who have molested little boys and girls, or the hundreds of Muslim Iman with their death to the infidel fanaticism my guess would be that your, screw anybody not of Jewish blood attitude, is shared by many others in Jewish leadership positions.

  Having read recently comments in the Jpost about anti-Semitism I have to say that my respect for the Jews who refer to the rest of us as no more than Gentiles or Goyim is no higher than my respect for Priests who rape boys and girls; but if it is any comfort my respect isn’t a whole lot less either.

  I get so tired of what I see as the poor, poor, pitiful me card that is so often played by segments of the Jewish community. Yes the Holocaust was bad, yes it was wrong and yes 5 million Jews were murdered, but what about the other 55 million people that died. Why is it always about the Jewish people? The Rabbi says that it is because they are Effendi and others are Goyim.
  Is it at all possible that certain segments of the Jewish community took advantage of others, treated others as animals, had little to no regard for how others lived, could it have been then as it is now? 

  Rabbi which is more offensive, 
Orthodox men spitting on a little girl or Wall Street effendi stealing from goyim.
  Rabbi, this will be bad for the children of the goyim, a war will be started for the goyim to fight. 
Jewish money and manipulation in the United States and Israeli will be to blame.  I suppose it makes no difference to you, for they are but goyim and the children of goyim; Hitler made murder legal, just as the Wall Street effenda made theft legal--no morals, no ethics but legal--Rabbi how can this end well.
  The influential Lobbyists, Bankers & Neo-Cons support War especially using American Young People and American Money.
  "We plan a major lobbying effort with about 250 activists in Washington to meet with their senators and representatives," an AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) source said on Saturday.
  AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) believes the United States should bomb Syria; wonder how many are followers of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.
  Mr. Obama’s limited strike proposal has one crucial foreign ally: Israel"Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.”

  It makes a little more sense now. 
Send the Donkeys and children of donkeys into the hell hole called The Middle East. This is a bad idea; is this really what the people of Israel believe?

  Think more American involvement in the in the Middle East is a bad idea; might want to contact your elected officials and let them know (
address & phone numbers). Might want to contact Friends & Family to let them know what is going on also.

  May 1999:  Most puzzling perk: Daniel Baty, Emeritus. Baty takes no salary or bonus because he holds so much company stock, about $40 million worth. Yet he accepted $264 in parking fees and health-club memberships.
  Rabbi I will never understand, at which point do these 
"investors" get a conscience? Or do they never reach a level of humanity where Goyim are involved?
  Rabbi the person who wrote the first article is to nice to ask some uncomfortable questions nor state the obvious, but at the end of the first article I added some comments.

The Billionaire Versus We, The People

Why won’t Religious Leaders Speak-up

Hypocrisy is killing Religion

Some Fundamentalists give Religion a Bad Name

Did the Neo-Con, former Sec. of State Henry Kissinger
refer to

Military personnel as stupid animals...

Neo-Con's; the rich guys willing to kill off goyim children
so they and their friends can continue playing their game of
Masters of the Universe

Who are the Neo-cons & what do they want

Rabbi, is it possible this book is true

This could be viewed as a cross between The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis and 1984 by George Orwell

Blue Print for A New World Order


Old Arab proverb: The enemy of my enemy is my brother.

  The split in Islam goes back to a dispute about who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad after he died in 632. Those who wanted his position to be inherited by his closest associates became Sunnis. Those who thought his descendants should succeed him became Shia (Shiite). For over 1,380 years the only thing that has united the two warring Muslim factions in the Middle-East (the Sunni & the Shia) is their religious intolerance of non-Muslims.

The Hell-Hole called the Middle East

First the Unites States sides with Iran 1941-1979 (Shiite)

The United States Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup 
Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds

Then the United Stated sides with Saddam & Iraq (Sunni)

Now; Fighting again on the same side as Iran

Guess who the enemy is going to be when the Sunni and Shia (Shiite)
finally get tired of Muslims’ murdering Muslins’; of burying their children?

Sorry, we made a mistake, does not cut it

The Americans.