Email from an American Muslim

We as Americans can not fix
that HELL HOLE called the Middle East

  They are killing each other in the name of Islam and Judaism in the Middle East, again.

  There is little Empathy on any of the sides, only religious self righteous indignation.

  The Jewish Religious leadership addresses/views others (non Jews) as Goyim, Donkey. Muslim leadership addresses/views others (non Muslims) as Infidels (guessing Dog instead of Donkey    

  The E-Mail from an American Muslim as copied from the book The Islamic AntiChrist by Joel Richardson

From: Tamin
Subject: Give it up. UR losing to us.


  I perused your pathetic little attempt to discredit the Religion of God and his Great Prophet. Truly Sad. I am not an apologist. Yes, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) committed acts of violence. I have no problems with this. We are Muslims, not pacifists. Sometimes in life you have to fight. You don’t have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up. I do not rectify the violence of terrorists, nor do I rectify the acts of violence made by 2000 years of Christian tyranny and violence. Its destruction of polytheist cultures, its 1000 years of genocidal mission towards Jews, and its persecution of free thinkers such as Galileo, Bruno, and Capurnicus. The European and American Witch trials, and the “Christian terrorism” of the Irish, the KKK (a White Anglo-Saxon CHRISTIAN terrorist organization). We should ask the nomadic Avars how much they love the religion of the “Prince of Peace”....oh wait, we can't. They were completely wiped out in a genocidal effort by Charlemagne because they refused to convert to the Paulian Blood Cult you laughingly call “The Way”. Christianity has been the scourge of this planet. It has caused more pain, torture, and death than any other fanatical movement ever invented. So take a look in the mirror the next time you start to criticize us. Islam DOES condone violence under the right conditions. If you threaten our community, our faith, or our home and way of life, then we are ORDERED by God to defend what is ours. We do not turn the other cheek, we kick your ass-and all in the name of God. But Islam gives us very stiff guidelines; rules of engagement if you will. You may not kill a non-combatant, a woman, a child, or elderly person. You may not destroy trees, buildings, or burn fields. And under no circumstance are you to kill a Muslim. This is all in black and white and not up to “interpretation.” Anyone who violates them is going to Hellfire and in violation of Islam. Your evaluation is correct. We Muslims do not play PC games. God gave us laws and rules, just like the Jews and we follow them no matter what group of “enlightenment” philosophers think. That is man-made, not divine law. In Islam to blaspheme the Prophet Muhammad (or any prophet) is to be put to death. Period. As it should be. Unfortunately, we cannot do this in America, or you people would get the just reward you have coming through your Internet efforts. But we still manage to teach you some respect and manners on occasion. The last man who blasphemed the Holy Prophet to my face swallowed both his front teeth about three seconds later. I took great pleasure in the fact that the next time he spoke blasphemy, it would be with a lisp. Pagans are to convert or die. Period. As it should be. People such as wiccans, New Agers, and Hindus are parasites to gods plant. Either they should change their ways or accept their just punishment. Christians and jews are People of the Book, and should be tolerated and even protected. But they are misguided, and should be taxed in our countries for having to put up with them. If they speak out against Islam in our countries, they should be punished. Homosexuals. In this country of my birth they are shamefully allowed to parade up and down the streets in front of our children. Some states even try to allow them to marry. The sentence for homosexuality in Islam is death. As it should be. Calipha Omar ibn Kattaub(ra) used to have them thrown off the top of minarets. Do that in San Francisco with 25% of their population off some of those sky scrapers and this nation will drastically improve. Thieves should have their hands cut off and murderers their heads, as it used to be in our country, when we hung and shot horse thieves and killers. Not lock them up and feed them at our expense for the rest of their lives. Run this country with those frontier laws and crime will diminish. And someday soon it will. You see, silly Paulian zealots, your religion is about to be outnumbered. By 2025 we will be the majority religion in the world. We have doubled our number in the last 20 years, and in America we now outnumber the Jews. Where one mosques were only found in a few cities just 10 years ago, now they are popping up in almost all towns and suburbs. The call to Prayer can be heard over loudspeakers in most large cities now, where in 1980 it would have been unheard of. We are the fastest growing religion in the world, with 20,000 converts in this country a year. 8 out of ten are women, who will marry Muslim men, and have Muslim children, thus elevating our numbers in this country double or triple in the next 20 years. Islam, whether you like it or not, is the future of this planet, and a future fast approaching. May Allah be praised! This was inevitable. Christianity is a false religion that idolizes Jesus as a Herculean God in some bizarre and morbid blood sacrifice that has pagan overtones. It comes not from Jesus or God but from a false prophet Paul who violated the Law of Moses and made a man equal to God. Your Bible is a corrupted text that has been rewritten, added to, and re-edited from the very beginning to match your sick beliefs. This is blasphemy and all who believe it are doomed to hellfire. It has taken us 1425 years to start to overcome this blood cults stranglehold on mankind, but at last we are near making it a minority opinion. God is finally having his true way prevail. So you don’t like us? You want us “controlled in America” you
say? Too Bad. We have freedom of religion in this country, and are protected by the 2nd Amendment and the Title 7 of the Civil Rights act of 1964. Fire us, we sue. Persecute us, we get sympathy and thus more converts. Burn down our mosques, we build new one with the sympathetic donation (often from church groups) and the guilty go to prison. And all the time, we get larger, richer, and become more of an influence in this country. We are your police, your grocers, your secretaries, doctors, lawyers, schoolteachers, and neighbors. Your children go to school with our children. Omar and Muhammad are now almost as common in a school roster as Brendan and Michael. We are here. We are getting larger by the minute. We are taking over the planet. And there is NOTHING you can do about it. So go ahead and whine; I will enjoy watching your pathetic tantrums as we rule your future. Or join us. Accept Islam for your salvation. Because your children and/or grandchildren probably will.

Peace Be With You, Tamim

  All religions have their wackos; it really is sad that so many religious organizations refuse to reign in their zealots; refuse to embrace the concept of treating others as they would prefer to be treated.
  Decades ago, Paul Harvey used to say "You can't legislate morality." A couple thousand years ago Jesus Christ said that we were supposed to treat others as we wanted to be treated.

ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape

  I realize that I’m nothing more than another uneducated American but I can’t even begin to get my mind around how screwed up Religious Leadership has to be when one group Enshrines Rape with Theology and another group feels that I am a Donkey put here to serve the Effendi

The Rabbi who finally told the truth

According to at least one Rabbi (Jewish preacher), Gentiles exist only to serve Jews

Oct. 20, 2010 

  According to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the Lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.

  The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.
  “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.
  According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.
  “In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
  This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said.
  “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.
  That is why gentiles were created,”
 he said.

  Wow Rabbi, That whole Effenidi/donkey thing has been going on for a long time: Ever hear of the word Chicken Shit.

Here is the definition
(From the book By Stephen Ambrose: Citizen Solder)

  Chicken shit refers to behavior that makes life worse than it need be: petty harassment of the weak by the strong; open scrimmage for power and authority and prestige… insistence on the letter rather than the spirit of the law. Chicken shit is so called –- instead of horse- or bull- or elephant shit -- because it is small minded and ignoble and takes the trivial, seriously.
  Chicken shit people and organizations’ are easily recognized because of their greedy, self-centered and often-times manipulative actions.


Saw this on a car license plate frame
Please God protect me from your followers

  Even though I do go to church this is easy to understand, to many of Gods followers, be they Jewish, Muslim or Christian want to force their beliefs onto people, but if you wish to get some sort of understanding of the mess in the Middle East you have to look at religion.
  If you want nothing to do with the religious aspect of this site please remember there are over 350 articles accessed through the contents-index.

An E-mail collection God does care

  For years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?
Anne Graham Lotz

  To the Church crowd it might be time to wake up and follow the money.
  It seems to always boil down to Money, Control, Power and or Greed.
  The crazies on the right have legalized theft by allowing the games that Wall Street plays.
  Too many statements infer for a large number of us we have to choose which group of crazies we have to support, somebody needs to come up with another plan.

  A statement from the Bible:
  “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (some versions use abomination).
  The crazies on the left have legalized actions that are detestable/abominable.
  Another statement from the Bible:
  "Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation; plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

  The crazies on the right have criminalized something that God has stated is good, forcing hundreds of thousand if not millions to suffer jail time for what God has stated is good.
  Let’s face a fact, people are going to self medicate; does anybody really think that Meth, LSD, PCP, Dust, Ritalin (methylphenidate) or Prozac (fluoxetine); chemical mixtures by scientists, are better for people than marijuana.
  Why on earth would anyone consider giving a child Ritalin or Prozac (follow the money); have you read the list of side effects. How is it that we have gotten to the point that we trust the chemicals that scientists have concocted over what has been provided in nature.
  In Feb. 2012 15 tons (30,000 pounds) of meth was seized in Mexico (google it). Who got rich when pot was made illegal; google Hearst, Dupont, and marijuana.

There is an old saying “A choice between the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.”
The choice between 2 insane groups is still insanity.

  I am continually amazed at how many Christians do not realize that Jesus spent his time on earth teaching. Jesus explained that we would suffer the consequences for our actions, not issuing edicts, not telling people what we have to do, but instead telling us what we should do and offering Grace when we mess up. Jesus summarized the roughly 615 laws of the Old Testament into fewer than 50 words, knowing, it would still be a life-long journey none of us would complete unscathed.
  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (treat people like YOU want to be treated).
  The group of individuals that Jesus persistently battled with was the group he referred to as hypocrites (generally the lawmakers); Jesus was not killed because his sermons were warm and fuzzy, he was murdered because he ticked off the ruling elites by calling them hypocrites and legalistic tyrants who made laws for others to follow but exempted themselves. Today the number of laws, statutes, regulations, and codes total over 30 million here in the United States.

Why was this Man Murdered?

This does not bode well for "Christians"

Murder legalized is still Morally and Ethically bad news

RFID & the loss of your privacy

  Check out Proverbs the book of cause and effect; Lamentations - The Book of Woe and Regrets.
  To understand Christianity (Christmas - Easter)  please read JohnActsLukeMarkMatthew. Do not blindly follow a preacher; also, if you wish some understanding of the Jewish religion also read Results of covenants broken the Minor Prophets and a Major Prophet Isaiah if not the whole Bible for yourself.

No one living today is perfect

  There are individuals and organizations that would attempt to sit in judgment and condemn women who have had an abortion.
  There are large numbers of Vets who have killed others and/or seen all the horrors of war up close; it was a job that their government wanted done for whatever reason, some still don’t sleep well even now 40 or more years later for the older ones and from the articles that I have read a large number of younger Vets are experiencing problems from “recent” assignments in foreign countries.
  I would like all you women who have had an abortion to look around, you will find there are lots of men and women who can relate to your pain, and won’t judge you – they don’t want to be judged.
  I would like all you men that have skeletons in your closets to look around and realize there are lots of women and men who can relate to your pain, and won’t judge you – they don’t want to be judged.
  It makes no difference how or why it happens, taking a life is going to be difficult for most people without the guilt trips that society hands out.
  One suicide is one suicide to much, yet it has happened time and time again by to many of the men and women in uniform (Instead, they traveled to his funeral), there is a video by Matt Kennon titled "The Call" and one by Lonestar titled "Mountains" please take the time to watch them; I am not a preacher and can understand the aversion to walking into church.
  If you need someone to talk to go to a local bar with some older guys in it, the odds are you will run into a vet and yes some of them still have issues, but most of them are good people or go to the VFW, getting drunk may not be the answer but sometimes…
  I am not going to feed you a line of shit and say that life is easy, over 50% of Americans have had at least one failed marriage, none of us have all the answers but please reach out, the suicides need to stop.

Mere Christianity
By C.S. Lewis,

A Soldier who served in the trenches of WWI
Author of The Chronicles of Narnia

  Don Cruthers, a Chaplain in the Army once preached a sermon titled "It’s not a Game". Too many Christians have bought into the Pre-Tribulation philosophy that they will not have to endure pain and suffering, but Christianity is not a game.
  If Christ was crucified, Peter was crucified upside down next to his wife and millions of other Christians have been killed over the last 20 centuries for professing a belief in Jesus why is it that American Christians feel they should get a free ride? Could Christian believers in Pre-Tribulation / Rapture explain why if other believers who stand up for their faith are prosecuted and killed; why would you be exempt from prosecution also?

Vision From 1954
Also for Christians
That bought into Pre-Tribulation

  Many many years ago there was a "Christian" lawyer whom I had some respect for, his name was Jay Sekulow he is currently one of Pres. Trump's lawyers and he now works with two lawyers who have in the past defended a rapist and a pedophile. It appears that Mr. Sekulow has decided to serve Mamon & Power; the sad part: how many other "Christians" is he dragging down the rabbit-hole?

Alan Dershowitz, Ken Starr, Epstein the rapist
and the Injustice System

Alan Dershowitz, the pedophile
and the Criminal Injustice System

There are Angles and there are Demons
There is a Heaven and there is a Hell
It’s not a Game!

The Ultimate Oxymoron