A start of solutions

This mess needs to be cleaned up.

  Because of our NATIONAL DEBT and INTEREST SQUANDERED, any member of the House and Senate in office more then 4 years needs to be replaced. I believe the best plan is to fire them all for failure of fiduciary responsibility and dereliction of office.

  Because so many Politicians have been bought by Millionaires & Billionaires the one or two good Politicians that get tossed could best be written off as collateral damage, (a business decision) to restore this nation to a sound financial situation.

  After that elect people who will institute term limits on themselves by adding an Amendment to the Constitution; 2 four year terms for President, 2 five year terms for the House members, 2 six year terms for members of the Senate and 1 nine year term for the Supreme Kangaroo Court.


Oath of Office for the United States Congress:

  I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


  "You can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln

Tax Cut Triggers
To bad the majority of Republicans and Democrats
listen to the lobbyists instead of the people.
March 9, 2001
Back when the National Debt was only 5,747,792,825,182 

  A trigger on monetary policy is an excellent idea.

Any plan to have a trigger in place to institute future tax cuts is such a logical idea it should require no debate.

  If you feel that triggers must be debated try this; ask your banker how many checks you can write beyond the amount of money you have deposited in the bank. Write a check for more money then is in your account and the bank will inform you that a trigger point has been reached (with penalties).

  The average person with a surplus in their budget would surely choose to pay for present needs and past debts before considering other alternatives.

  What happened to the issues of Social Security, Medicare, our schools and infrastructure? These have been the problems before us for the last decade but no longer seem to be part of the debate. Why? Did I miss the miracle that took care of these problems?

  Is Social Security fully funded now?

  Has the prescription drug problem for Medicare gone away?

  Have our roads, highways and schools been brought up to standard?

  Is our national debt paid off?

  If any of the aforementioned problems still exist then we most definitely need a mechanism for triggering a stop to tax cuts.

  From newspapers and magazines I have read our old problems are still around. These are still priorities for the majority of American people.


  Many have been played as fools, Wall Street does not invest in America, Wall Street is a Gamblers Paradise, those people do not work, they are con men skimming the cream of the everyday workers blood, sweat and tears. Wall Street does not give a rip about you or your kids. The Bankers, and Gamblers (Wall Street & Hedge Fund operators) only care about money and with so many in the House, Senate and even President candidates begging for campaign money they will not produce change because that would amount to biting the hand that feeds them.


  "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes." Andrew Jackson


Our Kids' Inheritance is Economic Slavery

  The national debt exceeds $32,988,000,000,000; Interest Paid is Over $15,526,000,000,000. What were they (leadership in Washington D.C.) thinking!
  These numbers do not include the Hundreds of Trillions (yes you read that right) owed to what is called Unfunded liabilities. Your children really are owed an apology for what has been allowed to happen; Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; that's Einstein’s definition of insanity
  Not fixing this financial mess has only made the medicine worse, here are solutions of our amassed debt.

  Solution for National Debt: Until 1963 the highest tax rates were over 80 percent reaching 94 percent in 1944 & 1945; that's how World War II, the Korean War, the Interstate Freeway System our bridges and the infrastructure was paid for, those rates will be necessary again to pay down the National Debt.
  Alternate National Debt Solution: All income to be taxed at adjusted flat rates listed as follows no exceptions, no deductions and no credits: under 25k 7½%, 25k-50k 10%, 50k-75k 12½%, 75k-100k 15% 100k-150k 20%, 150k-250k 25%, 250k-500k 30%, 500k-1mil 40%, 1mil-2mil 50%, above 2mil 100%.  When debt is paid off taxes to drop proportionately to sustain spending. Example; 50% across the board reduction in taxes would lower the under 25K rate to 3¾% and the above 2 million rate to 50%.

  When our debt is paid off tax rate to drop proportionately to sustain government spending. Example a 50% across the board reduction in taxes would lower the under 25K rate to 3 ¾% and the above 2 million rate to 50%.

*******Corporate Citizenship*******

  This specific solution would not be very difficult: add twenty-six words to corporate law and thus create what is called the 'Code for Corporate Citizenship'.

  Directors and officers would still have a duty to make money for shareholders, but not at the expense of the environment, human rights, the public safety, the communities in which the corporation operates or the dignity of its employees.

Article: Code for Corporate Citizenship

  “As a result of the war, corporations have now been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow... until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed.” -Abraham Lincoln


Unfettered "capitalism" is every bit as dangerous as communism and fascism

We have a Minimum wage,

how about a Maximum wage of 25 times the minimum
($10 an hour for minimum $250 an hour for maximum)


“Investors” & “Management”

more accurately “Gamblers” & “Greed”

Destroyed American companies

Some of the history here


If Congress wants to stop the Cynics, Congress needs to stop the Games

  A solution for the problem of gerrymandering written about in the article Confessions of a Congressman because gerrymandering and BIG MONEY have brought about so many problems.
  To stop Gerrymandering; (the creative drawing of Congressional Districts which everyone with a computer can look up by Googling there district); use districts drawn up using Zip Codes as they are set up now. DO NOT ALLOW Zip Codes to be redrawn but just add or subtract a Zip Code North, South, East or West to get the desired number of people needed in each District.

Confessions of a Congressman
By A Member of Congress February 5, 2015

*******Shell Companies*******

  Solution for Shell Companies and Shell Corporations: The only reason to own a Shell Company or Corporation is if you have something to hide; Eliminate Shell Companies and Shell Corporations, We the People should be able to figure out who, or which Corporation, Foreign or Domestic, owns what.

*******Simple Solutions*******

Simple Solutions (A Start?)
Mid to late 1990's

  There is no need to reinvent the wheel. A large number of ideas on how to rein in our elected officials are available, or at least enough to put a serious crimp in pork barrel and special interest legislation.

* All legislation and treaties to be voted on by the House and Senate that are to be passed into law or obligations must be read in their entirety on the floor of the House and the Senate by the individual submitting them.

  This would put a stop to treaties like GATT, a document of 22,000 confusing pages. I do not think bad legislation like N.A.F.T.A. would have passed either. No one would have wanted to read all those pages, or more importantly, explain them to the public in plain, simple, unembellished English.

* No riders of any kind may be attached to any legislation. All legislation is to pass or fail on its own merit.

The special interest sycophants at the trough will be squealing when cut off.

* All executive orders are to be read in their entirety by the President to the citizens of the United States on prime time television. The U.S. Senate must then either vote it up or down within 14 days without changes. Again, only one issue per executive order.

* All executive orders, past, present, and future are to be listed in a readily accessible spot on the Internet, such as www.presidentialexecutiveorders.org.

* The government must no longer spend more money than it takes in. A minimum of 7 percent of net income to be used paying off principal on the national debt.

These simple solutions
which create accountability
would correct a large number of problems.



  We live in a country where millions died for you and I to have freedom. One must always remember that freedom was and is not free; it was bought with blood.
I am tired of the “elitist’s” trying to tell us what we can or cannot do. That blood that was shed for their freedom was also shed for ours. There are things in this life that we should or should not do; but with freedom to make choices comes the freedom to suffer the consequences.
  We the people are not getting, or else we are choosing to ignore the information given to make informed choices. If it is a matter of not getting the information to make an informed choice then this becomes an “educational” issue: (when people cannot read the information this is a schooling issue). If people are ignoring the information given to make an informed decision, they should be free to suffer the consequences. In some circles this is known as owning up to our responsibilities. Sometimes this is not pretty.
  Being a parent is more involved then making babies. Sometimes parents need to pay attention to what their kids are doing instead of abdicating responsibility (what a concept).
  Let’s take smoking for instance (which taxpayers subsidize). There has been a written warning on the side of each pack of cigarettes for over 30 years, with people fighting the cigarette industry over the health risks of smoking longer then that. If a person freely chooses to smoke because he or she wants to be “cool” or whatever, it is their problem because with freedom comes responsibility.

  If the 6th, 7th, 8th grader cannot read the warning on the pack of cigarettes we have an “educational” problem. If the person can read but chooses to ignore the warning it becomes their problem. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

  When a tobacco company official lies under oath this becomes a criminal act. FREEDOM DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO LIE!!
  Another one is the television, if you do not like the crap being dished out (mindless fodder) either change the channel or turn the idiot box off. Do something, quit whining.
  If a person on his or her own free will, goes out and has multiple sex partners after being informed that this sort of behavior could lead to problems (part of the educational issue) and comes down with a sexually infectious disease they should be free to suffer the consequences. Yes folks some lessons in life are more difficult then others. Again freedom has a price.
  A wise man named Paul Harvey used to say we cannot legislate morality. The morality issue is not the disease but rather the multiple sex partners. The consequences are the disease. If we want to change the moral standard (which was the Bible) the rest of us need to be informed.
  We can make good choices or we can make bad choices. The biggest problem facing this country is a clear definition as to which standard to use for morality. We seem to have thrown God out of our courthouses and also out of our schools. The court system seems to have the power and freedom to do that. I happen to believe tossing out God was a mistake and every day one can read about the consequences of our moral dilemma ripping at the fabric of this country. I am willing to listen to suggestions for standards of morality, although I prefer the Bible.
  Do not just blindly trust some preacher to tell you what the Bible says. Open the book and read it yourself. Why is it that people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Daniel Webster, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. just to name a few, could accept the Bible but many so called “intellectuals” can not?
  Yes this requires one to get off their duff and show some initiative. Freedom is not free it comes with responsibility



Dads matter

No one living today is perfect

Dont close the door on constructive debate

Education Instead of Legislation

Loyalty to convictions

Pretty good not good enough